
Basic Membership Package at DCF
DCF Guns’ Basic Membership package is the most cost-effective choice for shooters who want more firearm training, discounts on classes and weapon cleanings, and many other benefits for less. With the ability to reserve lanes up to 72 hours in advance, shooters can arrange to spend their weekends or holidays at the range without having to wait. Contact DCF Guns today to become a Basic Member.


We provide a broad range of Handguns, Tactical Shotguns, and Rifles. We cater to gun enthusiasts and individuals seeking home protection and/or self-defense. We also provide various safety and tactical training courses, from beginners to advanced. Our goal is to educate every member of the community on the safe and secure methods of carrying a concealed firearm and/or the handling of a firearm, for personal protection or hunting.

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1155 Park St,
Castle Rock, CO 80109

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We cater to gun enthusiasts and individuals seeking home protection and/or self defense.

Find A Class

The DCF Training and Education Department offers a comprehensive list of courses from traditional firearms instruction to DCF-developed tactical classes in Unarmed Response, Edge/Contact Weapons and Tactical Mindset with more to come.

  • 1412 Woolsey Heights
    Colorado Springs, CO, 80915

    (719) 597-3456 | Get Directions

  • 4750 Peace Palace Point
    Colorado Springs, CO, 80907

    (719) 375-3636 | Get Directions

  • 1155 Park St.
    Castle Rock, CO, 80109

    (720) 709-2825 | Get Directions